Adele is turning heads with this new her! Some are concerned about her weight loss. Everyone was surprised when she walked through the door at Drakes party. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Now people are saying she’s too skinny and they are very concerned. Concerned for what? She looks great. She is at a healthy weight. Let’s be real. A while back Adele was a little heavier, but she was still was killing it. She’s always been beautiful. A lot of women start living their best life after a divorce. Saturday, she hit the beach in The Eastern Caribbean with Harry Styles and James Corden. Fans were happy to see the trio together because this may mean a new Collab is coming. Let me tell you what some have to say. One tweeter said, “Is this Adelle, someone feed her please because she looks to skinny and not really healthy, we should be worried about her OMG”! Someone else called her a “skinny legend”. Everyone is always going to have something to say. Keep living your best life Adele and brush off the haters.